19 June 2012

Are You On a Runaway Train?

Think back over the last number of years.

Has some strand of your life been gradually gathering steam until now it is virtually in runaway mode?

Eating? Spending? Smoldering anger? Cheating people?

Parts of us can, little by little, stray out of control until that part begins to disconnect from our self-control and behaves like a train that has lost its conductor. Indeed, perhaps the part disconnects completely and the potential for self-wreckage becomes even greater.

Who can stop a runaway train?

I think only an act of God. Intervention has to be so dramatic that a power bigger than ours comes into play.

But remember, God is a gentleman. He usually waits to be asked. And be prepared--though He has a flair for the dramatic in scenery and thunderstorms, He seems to stop runaway trains more like one mph at a time.

If you are somewhere out of control, don't let your train derail. Ask for help.

There is exceeding majesty in a God-led train.

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