15 June 2012

Sensing the Worth of Our Work

Assuming there are leaders and followers in heaven--some kind of work hierarchy--I've always joked that we will be working for the little old ladies who, for now, sweep their porches and pray continually and fervently for whomever God sets before them.

They sense the worth of their work. They work for an Employer they can't see but follow nonetheless. They are content and fulfilled with the scope and stature of their work.

They bloom where they are planted.

Isn't that the longing built into all of our hearts?

Turns out it is biblical.  Proverbs 31 says a good woman is one who senses the worth of her work.

The myriad voices that try to cram themselves into our heads tell us to be dissatisfied, long for more--that we are undervalued and underappreciated.

Years ago, I entered teaching with a choice of a big city job or one in a small town. I prayed for wisdom and felt a bit chastised at what seemed the answer: Do you think children in small towns are somehow less in My eyes than those in big cities? Are you too important to be with certain children or in certain communities?

Now who wants that on their God-resume?

Best advice: love your broom.

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