09 June 2012

Tailspins of Busy

Sometimes we find ourselves in a tailspin of busy.

Our neighbors are moving to a new house in sight of their old one and we have been pitching in--certainly a tailspin of busy.

Perhaps you had a work deadline that entered you into a tailspin of busy. Hours evaporated and everything else went on hold.

A new baby creates a tailspin of busy. Sleep evaporates and parents go into overdrive to keep everything afloat.

Does nature go into tailspins of busy? Is that what we would call a thunderstorm or a hurricane?

Would God say He was in a tailspin of busy for the six days of Creation?

Would Jesus say He was in a tailspin of busy while He suffered on the Cross?

It seems our tailspins of busy are not the problem. I think it is the cycle of rest that eludes us.

Busy is its own elixir in our world. It fires up adrenaline and accomplishment that are heady and intoxicating.

But...nature rests from upheaval. God rested after Creation. Jesus finished His work and returned to heaven.

Remember a tailspin of busy is only fruitful if it is followed by intentional and scheduled rest.

Do the harder thing: rest.

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