People who know you...know what you are about.
Perhaps you quilt or cook spectacularly. Maybe you are a DIY-er. Maybe you read voraciously or sing beautifully. Whatever it is, you are about that either inside or outside of any regular job.
I recently came across a tantalizing thought from author Debbie Macomber. She kept feeling overwhelmed that she would never have enough time to write all the novels, knit all the sweaters or cook all the recipes that she had in mind to do. She says, "God reminded me that there were wonderful books in heaven waiting for me to write...and sweaters to knit and recipes to try." (Guideposts, January 2012)
Really? Have you ever thought that whatever you are about here is what you might be about in heaven?
Stunning. Hopeful. Challenging.
When what we are about stretches clear into eternity, our whole frame of reference changes.
Our tortoise training--one step at a time, never quitting--in this life is really, really purposeful and is carrying us to a finish line that, wow, never finishes.
So whatever it is, shine brightly. Pursue it with gusto. It appears your signature endeavor will be your spotlight in heaven.
Now that is something to be about.