Family tries are the creative part, the part through which you can truly allow God's shaping into something magnificent.
He might need three things from you:
Latitude: God might settle scores, weave personalities and grow love in a way that makes little sense in the confines of your impatience and predisposition. Move over.
Gratitude: You might thank Him for that cranky in-law, that know-it-all teenager, that colicky, up-all-night baby, even that relentless spouse. He somehow sees you as a powerful influence in their lives. Say thanks through gritted teeth.
Humor: Every time you employ humor, even toward yourself, you push out hostility. Hard feelings are much more difficult to sustain when an incident is just an incident, a cross word is allowed to die, and rehash is never served at family gatherings.You want to be part of a model family? Be the family model of grace, cheer and forgiveness.
Ask God to make your family His magnificent obsession.