28 August 2012

Day 2...God Said What?

Years ago, I was pedaling as fast as I could--single mother of three of my own plus two more teenagers, middle school principal, just beginning to listen to God in the scraps of minutes I had in the early morning, before the mayhem.

I was behind in every arena as you might imagine.

And out of nowhere, with His bizarre timing, I thought I heard God say, Do what you are doing in six days and give Me the seventh.

Right. Can't do it in seven so now I'll get it done in six.

But...I was teetering on a precipice so scary that I decided to bet on God.

And, in the God economy that surpasses all understanding, I got more done in six days and recovered incredibly on the seventh.

Turns out God tells us what He's up to in that economy of time. In Ezekiel 20, He says:
I...gave [the Israelites] my weekly holy rest days, my "Sabbaths," a kind of signpost erected between me and them to show them that I, God, am in the business of making them holy.
If making me more holy means turning my heart more and more toward Him by spending more and more time in His arena, mission accomplished.

I think our "holy" is our devotion to Him, where perhaps He is able to break through the muck and mud of our hearts with increasing frequency.

So seventh it is...yours, God...no argument. Do Your best--I'm a pretty tough case.

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