25 August 2012

When Grieving Old Wounds Comes Next

Maybe you've experienced it.

The moment in time when you can hardly breathe because of the boulder of grief that is set against your heart.

I think God orchestrates that moment and means for us to let Him help us with it.

We accumulate wounds from our pasts: our long ago pasts, our recent pasts, past people, people still around with whom we have had disturbing recent pasts.

The power of cumulative, in the wound department, steals life and joy and the energy to give and receive love.

When the boulder in my own heart began to block my very breath, I sensed one night that I was being invited by God to go out on my deck and under the brilliant stars, recall every single incident of pain that made up the cumulative grief.

As each memory came into view, I was to deliberately give it to God. To not consciously give it to Him would be to give that particularly memory permission to rebury itself in my heart.

Something remarkable happened. That collection of grief moments seems gone forever.

Perhaps I could dredge up this or that, but I don't even have the inclination.

God always seems to be about letting go, thereby experiencing His increase.

When your moment comes, I hope you give yourself permission to let go with God, so that life and joy and the energy to give and receive love return to your heart.

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