09 September 2012

Is Your Opinion "Data-fied"?

Most of us have opinions, many of us strong ones.

About anything and everything, things we know a lot about...and things we know virtually nothing about.

That's the danger, isn't it?

Truth is not always what we want it to be, because we are pretty comfortable holed up in our opinion that we came by either adopting that of another or defying data that begs to differ.

Doctors, more than any of us, understand the incomprehensible complexity of the human body, yet still buy into evolution that somehow got married into science. The data begs to differ.

Most of us, in one way or another, alter the reality of God because we have learned it from another or simply want our alternate universe to be true.

We want to shape reality to suit our already ingrained thinking.

Changing our opinion to match data is somewhat like trying to pry out an object embedded in hardened concrete.

The challenge? Consider one arena of life toward which you have a deeply embedded, serious opinion.

Ask yourself: could I be mistaken? If so, where would I look for accurate data?

A "data-fied" opinion leads well in every circumstance. Don't leave home without it.

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