The thing about dancing is that it pretty much requires your total attention. It doesn't really lend itself to multi-tasking.
That would give God your full attention, at least for the duration of the dance.
And you need music. It is entitled Grace and is found in Matthew 11:
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.If you dance--or keep company--with God at least a little each day, you learn to live freely and lightly.
The unforced rhythms of grace, I think, are the countless ways He shows up through your day, always creative, always personal, but you miss it when you force your path onto your day.
If you set out to dance, you are free to be captured as His partner when He shows up with a circumstance, a remark, an intersection of events that whisper only to you.
He can do that, you know. He can make you His one and only dance partner this week.
But, as in any dance, He needs your permission.
Does your calendar having dancing with God on it?
I bet He hopes so.