A litany of promises to ourselves course through our minds, only to short-circuit early on in 2013.
In these waning December days, I am inviting you into a new sort of resolution.
Find your phrase.
In your search for intimacy with God, He can give you a phrase uniquely fitted to you, focusing your trajectory for the new year.
Simply ask:
Lord, I want to deepen my walk with You, my focus on You. What phrase can I carry with me as I ponder Who you are? You know me better than I know myself--where I am, where I need to be to significantly enter into the adventure of this life with You.Give Him time and room to work. Room means sitting (or driving or showering) with your focus on Him, pushing away distractions and to-do's. God seems to like invitations.
There is no greater endeavor in a new year than to find what strengthens us. You can be assured that God's phrase for you will, indeed, feed your strength.
Here's to you...and your phrase.