31 December 2012

Investigating God as a Coherent Whole

Have you thought much about the whole of God?

Do you find yourself wanting to be known for who you are--with at least one person wanting to know you deeply and intimately, that person sharing your secrets and laughter and pain?

What if, in investigating God as a Coherent Whole, you find Him to be that very person for whom you long?

The one with whom you laugh and cry and share the most intimate secrets of your soul.

He is that Very One.

Religion has often tried to narrow God into a rule or fear monger. Our past experiences have often painted Him as ruthless and emotionless, the arbiter of pain, injustice, or worse, indifference.

The truth of the whole of God lies in the entirety of the Bible--your incredible entry into that relationship for which your soul yearns.

You need only listen or read, and the very God of the Universe will reveal Himself to you in a way no one else gets to hear. God is so creative and so infinite that your relationship with Him will be unique to whom He made you to be.

You want to feel special? God is the Gatekeeper of Special and He is calling you to enter.

It would make 2013 a year to remember.

(YouVersion.com is one of many ways to investigate the Bible online and/or using an app.)

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