Mary: I am going to be with child? I've never slept with a can that be?
Angel: You have found favor with God. The Holy Spirit will come upon you.
Joseph: (I'll divorce her quietly, but I cannot marry one who has been with another man. Since Mary is pregnant, how can it be otherwise?)
Angel: Mary is with child by the very Power of the Holy Spirit. Do not be afraid to marry her.
Shepherds: Let's set our night watches.
Angel(s): Do not be afraid. One who has come to save the world has been born. All glory to God.
Shepherds: Let's go see for ourselves.
Angels and believers are the tools of God's trade. We hear, we go see for ourselves, and we believe.
1 John 5:
The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. The person who wins out over the world's ways is simply the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God.Same story, advanced by angels...and the faith of a few.
Are you one of the few...advancing the story to the many?
That would be a great way to celebrate the birth.