Nothing gives pause like tragedy.
We are glued for news from Newtown, CT that will give us a glimmer of understanding...or hope.
In this season of giving, perhaps before we have either--understanding or hope--we just give compassion.
We hug our own kids, we speak more tenderly to our neighbor, we set aside differences to remember that life is short and oh, so unpredictable.
We let our hearts break for those parents with gifts already wrapped for children who--so suddenly--will not awaken to Christmas.
We give thanks for our church and school and business leaders who will lead us once again on Sunday and Monday, while the leader of Sandy Hook Elementary School will only be remembered, as she was one of the slain.
We mourn for the family of the shooter, suddenly thrown into the disarray and glaring spotlight of 24-hour news, finding themselves the headlines. They, too, lost family.
It is like a bomb at Christmas. Who can fathom it?
Only God can put the pieces back together...later...over time.
For now, give and give and give compassion. Let your hurt comfort the hurting of others.