18 January 2013

An Ill-Fitting Topcoat

Somewhere I read that white flour is a by-product of grain produced for cows.

A by-product.

Even worse, food producers discovered that it has a shelf-life of, well, pretty much forever.

No matter how you slice that news, white flour is an ill-fitting topcoat for our bodies, though we wear it often.

Sin works like that. It is a by-product of decisions produced by going against God.

A by-product.

Even worse, we discover that this sin-life has a shelf-life of, well, pretty much the forever of our time on earth.

No matter how you slice that news, sin is an ill-fitting topcoat on our hearts. Why do we wear it so often?

Our hearts, before the decision to go against God, were free and sinless.

We didn't even have clothing because regret and the need for covering didn't exist. Our step against God carried us into shame and nakedness

We can stop wearing the topcoat of white flour and find more freedom of health for our bodies.

We can stop wearing the topcoat of sin--asking God for forgiveness--and find more freedom of health for our hearts.

Wear freedom.

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