20 January 2013

The US: A Nation of Cranky

Every time I feel cranky, I can trace it back to a circumstance that somehow unsettles me. I can't readily see the solution so cranky moves in.

A household can feel cranky: relationship issues, debt-laden finances and a confused spiritual compass can lead to an unsettledness and a more wobbly march to solution.

Can an entire country feel cranky? We blast each other through 24/7 print and voice media, we are spending much more than we take in, and our country's founding spiritual compass was invited out long ago.

There may be a daring solution to a cranky United States.

Over ten years ago, our tiny church in western NC asked God to move in with His agenda. We said, "We only want your solutions, your leaders, your leadership." He turned the place upside down with radical grace and serious intent.

Maybe we could say to God, "For our country, we no longer want what we want. We only want what you--God--want. Bring in your solutions, your leaders, your leadership."

What does a US look like turned upside down with God's radical grace and serious intent?

God, will You come back? Will You take over?

We need, more than ever, your radical grace and serious intent.

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