Think of the thorniest, close relationship you are in.
Is it safe?
Is it nourishing?
Is it strengthening for you?
If you are packed into the relationship by blood or present, unavoidable circumstance, then the thorny must be faced.
What can accompany you into the thorns that will bring hope and change?
Render your heart to God each morning. This means dump, yes, dump the relationship in God's lap each morning so He will be carrying the weight of it for you.
Be an admirer to that person even if it is the slightest operation imaginable. Find one thing each day that you can tell God you admire about that person.
Ask God to change your heart toward that person. More love, supernaturally given, somehow absorbs thorny and may, over time, create an exit door for that other person to leave his or her state of meanness or other roadblock to a healthy, loving relationship.
Then, even the rockiest relationships become safer when rendered to God, nourishing when your energy turns toward admiration, and strengthening when your heart is changed to lead you both to higher ground.
Impossible love, in the skilled hands of God, becomes a tentative step toward hope once again.