27 December 2013

New Year's Realignment: When We Call God a Liar

I go periodically to a chiropractic orthospinologist--a specialty chiropractor.

I hear all the naysayers when it comes to chiropractic care but the obvious does not elude me: we are structurally created with a proper alignment out of which all other body parts hum together or whine or scream out of sync.

I try to get out of my own way when I am denying the obvious because I am listening to hand-me-down untruths or I don't like the truth:
We are designed and set in motion by a Structural Engineer (one of God's many talents). When we honor that structure by caring for it, it works in our favor.
When I listen to a medical professional who denies the wisdom of the practice of structural realignment, I am missing a big part of potential healing. I am denying myself a piece of the best care.

This series is not about structural realignment through chiropractic care though I hope you overcome your own naysayer world to investigate it if you haven't already. But it is a compelling example of how we listen to hand-me-down assumptions and (even professionally-directed) untruths. We let people we respect misguide us because they are misguided themselves.

Perhaps 2014 could be the year when we take ourselves to the truth doctor and get spiritually realigned. The world is not such a foreboding place when truth is the arena in which we live. For this series, we will only consult the bible. The naysayer world says it fails every truth test, but like chiropractic care that aligns me for my body to function at its best, I am putting my money on the Creator who says he left us some directions for my life to operate at its best.

The bible, in its entirety, is the revelation of Jesus Christ as God's rescue. It makes clear that we are born out of alignment (thus, in need of rescue) with God. The structure of truth that God has chosen for our alignment is the embrace of Jesus as our only rescue. Not believing that Jesus is our only means of spiritual realignment with our Creator calls God a liar (1 John 5):
If we take human testimony at face value, how much more should we be reassured when God gives testimony as he does here, testifying concerning his Son. Whoever believes in the Son of God inwardly confirms God's testimony. Whoever refuses to believe in effect calls God a liar, refusing to believe God's own testimony regarding his Son. 
Deny chiropractic if you will, but hopefully we get our spiritual realignment right. Our bodies will expire but our lives will not. They will be spent wherever our beliefs dictate. Don't rely on hand-me-down assumptions or what you wish it to be.

The Structural Engineer gets the last word on happy in our bodies and happy in our eternity.

Tomorrow: The problem with God and cumulative.

Comments are welcome at feedyourstrength@gmail.com.

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