Paul has just told us in Galatians 5 that since we have chosen a life in the Spirit:
Let us make sure we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.He says no comparing one to the other as if one is better and another worse, because we have far more interesting things to do with our lives, and that:
Each of us is an original.Comparison fires fairly rage in our heads, and we light the match every time we view our circumstances alongside those of another. It takes total concentration on the blessings poured out upon each of us to keep these fires at bay.
Living creatively inside our life in the Spirit includes three practices:
Trust that the crazy developments in your life might be Jesus working something out for good, even if it seems a long shot.
Regardless of how busy you are, find at least five minutes per day to become immersed in talking with God. The power in this immersion will greatly impact your day.
Find God in the tough stuff, even if only grief and/or anger are your offerings. Let him know exactly how you feel so he can meet you there.Galatians 6:
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself...each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your life.Paul's advice never fails to feed our strength.
Tomorrow: Living God's way within our giftings.
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