25 June 2012

Energy For Your Calling--Day 1

Your calling is God's doing.

Setting the stage to have the energy for it is up to you.

That is a scary, two-way street.

We say, "I'm exhausted" with alarming frequency, as if that is something that is happening to us.

I might surprise you by saying we are the cause; our lifestyle choices are slowly burying us under the tower known as exhaustion.

I can give you proof but you are not going to like it because somewhere in my argument might lie a hard step that you just don't want to take.

That's okay. I'll fight for you anyway. In sharing the war I've fought to come out of exhaustion exile, you'll see that I never give up...on myself or on you.

This could be the week that you find your first step out from under your exile--or potential exile--that keeps you from finding the energy for your calling.

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