24 June 2012

Your Bucket of Belief

You carry a bucket of belief about God.

Inside the bucket is the weight of everything that remains of your belief after listening, pondering, reading, discarding, adopting.

Your bucket could be out of balance--too heavy or too light--with untruth, wrong perceptions, and damaging threads of belief.

Or it could be filled with living water.

In John 7, Jesus says:
"If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says."
A bucket of belief about God that doesn't include this Jesus is not going to serve you well.

You are responsible for what is in your bucket of belief; free will is the handle.

Feeding your strength is asking God to help you correct any untruths in your bucket and refill it with the power of living water.

It is said that we take nothing with us out of this world, but don't be fooled.

You will be transported in that very bucket of belief.

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