Long ago, Abraham took his beloved son, Isaac, up the mountain at God's command and laid him on an altar. God had told Abraham that Isaac was to be the offering. In an act of stunning obedience, Abraham put something powerful into play:
He trusted God's mercy toward Isaac.He had no idea as he raised his weapon to kill Isaac that God would provide a substitute--a ram in a nearby thicket--at the last possible second. To trust God's mercy was to believe that God knew what He was doing, regardless of the outcome, and that He was merciful.
Today we track tropical storm Isaac, and today's early dawn models show a possible path over Port-au-Prince, Haiti, still devastated by the January, 2010 earthquake, and/or the Gulf Coast, even today recovering from massive damage during Hurricane Katrina in August, 2005.
Can we put in place Abraham's posture? Can we go forward these next few days and pray:
Lord, we trust in your mercy toward Isaac.Funny how God connects the dots if we let Him.