22 September 2012

Magnificent Whispers: The Right Thing

The coolest thing about God is how He weaves together meaning that is sometimes hard to detect but so exciting to find.

The really magnificent things are usually just whispers in your day.

For instance, I turn this morning, seemingly randomly, to a story entitled, "One Right Thing" in the new publication, Mysterious Ways, by Guideposts. It is about a guy that is not happy with himself because he keeps shirking responsibility in some small but significant ways. He's thinking about how his high school coach taught him that lesson long ago when he suddenly finds himself part of a dog rescue that requires of him that very responsible exertion that he's been avoiding. To whom does the dog belong? Yes, that high school coach.

Coincidence is simply God at His best--those are the magnificent whispers in our day.

My Bible reading for today included Malachi 3, and in the Message translation, I come to the end of the chapter where God is talking about those who honor Him:
Once more you'll see the difference it makes between being a person who does the right thing and one who doesn't, between serving God and not serving Him.
The phrase the right thing leaps out at me and stirs me. My friend who is a recovering alcoholic (years and years sober) speaks frequently that in AA they are taught to always do the next right thing.

I will hold those magnificent whispers close all day. Most likely another one will surface.

God never runs out of His magnificent weaving and whispers and can insert them anywhere but they seem to be found most often in the serving and honoring of the Living God.

Feeding my strength includes honoring and serving God, that I might detect yet another magnificent whisper.

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