Our day is driven by this machinery:
Is your outlook primarily hopeful or defeated?
Do you let the day happen to you or do you set a strategy that moves you forward?
Are you living within today or only waiting on some future that may or may not happen?It stands to reason that this machinery might need fine tuning from time to time.
Your work seems to be stagnant. Are you asking God to bless what you do or asking Him to show you how to step into His work design for you?
Your relationship with your spouse is suffering. Can you decide today that at least one thing that drives you crazy about him/her is actually, with God's grace to you, okay?
Are you helping your children navigate the inevitable pain of growing up or are you unwittingly trying to protect them so they have underdeveloped skills of strength and confidence in their own ability to interact with the world?The tough road of life needs heavy-duty machinery. Our inner workings--what deeply drives our decisions and our daily forward motion--are best served by our alliance with God, our ability to overlook with grace, and the tough love to let those young ones we rear find their way through obstacles.
This fine tuning insures our deep machinery is hopeful, strategically moving forward and living in the present.