I schedule in the melting of my heart.I can only credit God with that phrase. When I was a principal, a colleague asked, "What do you do with outlaw children?" I took the question to God. The answer that drifted into my mind:
Melt their hearts.I am nothing but an outlaw child of God. I say often that adults misbehave just like children; we just hide it adroitly.
So as we usher in the season of the birth of Jesus, there is a collision of a giant to-do list with the pondering of just who this Jesus really is.
Our outlaw mentality will drive us to push, rush, and overlook.
Jesus would say pause, reflect, ponder.
Keeping my heart melted not only insulates me from visiting old wounds--it keeps my perspective reined in when a new season is upon me.
Only you and Jesus know what melts your heart. This I know: it won't happen unless you schedule it.
May your strength to get through this season be the scheduling of the melting of your heart.