On any given day, I have to talk myself into two things: reading the Bible and studying any rendering of history.
Once I'm there, I am riveted. My rebellion should tell me both are good for me.
Today's history encounter came in the form of an article in the December 2012 Guideposts magazine.
To be honest, I turned to it by chance, realized it was a timeline of history for Christmas carols, and was ready to read a different article when I saw highlighted in the story a town near mine. That was the hook I needed.
Why do we put ourselves through dread and rebellion when something so rich is on the other side?
Not only did I uncover a fascinating trail of Christmas carol nostalgia, I came across perhaps the most interesting compilation of music for the season.
Ron Clancy, in Where the Music Lived, takes us on a nine-day, 4,000-mile journey across seven states to visit the roots of Christmas classics such as I Wonder as I Wander in near-to-me Murphy, NC.
His lifelong search for the origins of Christmas music weaves a tapestry now offered in several amazing collections of art, music and history that may speak to your heart. Visit Christmas Classics to see if there is a piece of history waiting for you or someone on your gift-giving list.
Truly Clancy's passion turns Christmas music into art for the heart.