We fire hate, misunderstanding and ultimatum.
The blogosphere is a relatively new fuel for firing upon loudly and critically that with which we most disagree.
Disagreeing is not the problem. In fact, it is the soil of democracy.
Differences rub together to sift toward truth, and imperfect humans keep at it until compromise is framed into agreed upon action.
Blogs and their comments are a window into what people are firing.
We are losing the art of expressing opinion with thoughtfulness, countering each other with this reality:
Our opinion is only...an opinion. It is not truth, though hopefully it points toward it.When guns of hate and condescension are embedded in our opinion, we respond to the guns, not the words.
We fire back and war ensues, with both sides potential losers.
A generation from now, will these guns so saturate our environment that a show of thoughtful opinion embedded in healing love and respect for others is irrevocably lost?
Lay down your guns. Then when you speak, we can listen.