25 November 2012

The Pause for Strength

Every time we pause we make room for strength.

If we pause before we fill our plate, our reasoning has time to argue for better eating.

If we pause before we buy on impulse, our wallet has time to plead its case.

If we pause before we fire off to that person's comment, our regret maker has less chance to take center stage.

Our strength is fed by one exclusive operation: our decisions.

Every decision of every day either feeds our strength or feeds our weakness. Few decisions fuel neutrality.

Already today you have considered or rejected (or rejected by omission) God.

Already today you have considered or rejected yourself with your self-assessment that, at least for women, spins continually in the margins of our mind.

In whatever fraction of the day that has passed thus far, are you stronger or weaker by virtue of your decisions?

Pause to answer.

If any one decision can weaken us, any next moment can hold the pause that gives us time to turn around and move toward strength.

Pause for strength.

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