At least in the West, we celebrate Christmas with a toxic gusto: we abandon all common sense when it comes to eating the goodies.
We give ourselves a sugar license that says: Eat all you can eat.
This hospitality of poison gives rise to an interesting question: why do we throw our bodies under the bus in the exact season that celebrates the person (Jesus) that came to get our souls out from under that bus?
We are a funny people.
We feed our strength in pursuit of Jesus and feed our weakness in pursuit of yet another goodie.
Am I suggesting no sugar at Christmas? Absolutely not.
I am suggesting that you revoke your license that you might have given yourself in seasons past.
Budget sugar like you budget your money. Don't use the sugar credit card that stores the overage on your body, to face you in January like your Visa.
The gift is moderation. The recipient is yourself.
Start January sugar debt-free.