11 December 2012

'Tis the Season: Gifting Forgiveness

My friend had been hurt at the hands of another.

My, how we tear down each other with our words. I sometimes can't fathom how we give such license to our tongues.

She was weary and had built a nice fortress to safeguard entry by this person. She was shielded and comfortable.

And then God knocked. (Sometimes we wish He wouldn't.)

It caught us by surprise.

We were talking about forgiving this person and she said she thought she had. Out of the blue, I ventured, "Really forgiving that person would mean being willing to interact on a regular basis all over again, knowing you may get the same treatment."

I was as astounded as she.

But then again, isn't that what Jesus does every day? He subjects Himself to our apathy, condemnation, and misuse of Who He is, even though He has already forgiven us.

Jesus is Forgiveness in the flesh.

So really, on December 25th, we are celebrating the birth(day) of Forgiveness.

If my friend decides to leave her fortress, Forgiveness will go with her. That will be a powerful moment.

She will enter into an incredible union with freedom and love born anew, and that other person may be freed as well.

What a gift that would be.

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