Wonder what it looks like to become coherent for God.
As in, I wonder what it would take from us for Him to consider that we are becoming coherent for Him.
Asking to fall in love with Him?
Lending ourselves to serve in ways that are inconvenient for us?
Loving others hard to love?
Speaking with kindness when we don't feel it?
Giving up time and effort to learn more about God as a Coherent Whole?
Is it worth what looks like more effort, more time, more inconvenience and doing some of what we don't want to do?
I'm reminded that Jesus gave more effort, more time, ultimate inconvenience, and doing what none of us could even imagine doing. His agony on the Cross must have begun with the march of time that got Him there--anticipating the event even years in advance.
So if my coherence for God stretches me, I pray I allow it.
I am positive it will feed my strength in this new year.