03 January 2013

Fighting God's Fight or Fighting God?

Sometimes we hop on our sanctimonious religious horse and gallop away on our cause, sure we are fighting for God.

Paul would say that is exactly what he was doing when he held the clothing of those stoning Stephen (Acts 22).

Then Paul met God.

The True and Living God is always up to something more unconventional, more unexpected, and more powerful than our minds first see. When we bring sanctimony or religious guidelines to the table, we see even less.

When you are assessing something in someone's life or organization, use caution. Ask God for His opinion.

I think this caution is best expressed in Acts 5:38-39:
Leave him/them alone. If his/their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop him/them; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.
Paul might say, Meet God. Gallop away on a horse of true cause.

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