05 January 2013

Inside an Unwillingness to Believe--Day 2

The clutter of the world's messaging is overwhelming.

For any subject I research, an array of opinions and supposed facts emerge.

Over the past years, I have made a slow transformation to vegan, meaning I make a consistent effort to omit animal protein from my diet.

I made my decision from actual clinical research results, but I could find opinions and supposed facts that support the opposite stance as well.

Hard to navigate.

I protect my turf of belief in this position by going back to the facts I believe are most authentic and dependable.

Have I chosen the right messaging?

In an unbeliever's world, he or she has concluded that God either lacks or is nonexistent, as we summarized yesterday.

To protect this turf of unbelief (or belief in messaging that has driven these conclusions), the unbeliever must ignore research that conclusively shows we are too complex to have evolved.

Every design project on earth has embedded within the precision of the inventor/designer/creator.

We are one of those design projects. And since it is ludicrous to think we designed ourselves, the conclusion is we have a creator. He/It must be somehow smarter and greater than we are. If we are natural, it follows this creator could be supernatural.

It is reasonable to think a supernatural He/It exists because we know the Bible (with its remarkable unwavering stay across history) presents such an entity, but more importantly, the universe itself announces the precision of an inventor/designer/creator.

The precision of the universe is messaging that is not clutter. It is authentic and dependable because it is everywhere we look: the march of seasons, our DNA, the rhythm of our emotions and relationships, the miracle of birth itself.

A supernatural entity that can design us and this universe appears to have the capacity for care and attention to detail. If we go there, we take a first step into wondering is He/It is enough for our process of faith.

To isolate ourselves from this process of wonder is to ignore messaging that speaks for itself.

Unbelievers: are you locked inside messaging that is driving wrong conclusions?

Tomorrow: Maybe you hope there isn't a God.

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