06 January 2013

Inside an Unwillingness to Believe--Day 3

For the one who is convinced God does not exist, or even the one for whom God is not enough in whom to post belief, a disturbing dilemma arises.

It boils down to your personal hope that you are right, all evidence to the contrary.

Ignoring the evidence never makes us right.

All of us are wrong in some area simply based on the belief that we hope we are right.

This is hope in ourselves and our thinking.

Is your thinking parking you in the camp of unbelief, or is it adopted thinking?

Critical question.

If, on the day of your earthly exit, you, in fact, face a God of creation, it will be your thinking you will need to defend, not that of another.

If the Bible is authentic, we see Adam adopting the thinking of Eve in eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. That didn't turn out so well.

Adam ran smack into God. Consequences were his, as well as hers, even though he pointed back to Eve's thinking.

Best advice: separate yourself from the pack and look around. If evidence of belief and creation resounds, give yourself permission to quit hoping in yourself and consider God as an avenue of belief.

Then running smack into God one day will be a brighter occasion.

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