You want to be the writer? Write away. We can be like that--precocious of self, needing to be the author instead of the manager.
The owner builds the store but it can't come to life without the manager's energy and gifts.
God built our story but it can't come to life without us as manager, executing our days with energy and gifts.
If we never enter our story, will it be a book on a shelf that God points to as he meets us on the other side? Or will it be a well-worn selection, tattered but intact, loved and read and allowed to impact the world in big and small ways?
Don't miss entering the story God has open for you (Romans 4):
Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own.The problem with trying to write our own story is that we become at odds with the owner of all the book rights. If God created this whole operation, he has all the rights. To write our story separate from his authority is to challenge his ownership (John 15):
I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you are joined with me and I with you, the relationship intimate and organic, the harvest [the living out of our story] is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing.Self is vital when it steps into the right story; it is deadwood on its own.
God is an author worthy of honor. He wrote your story in his honor so together you would experience the incredible truth that you are his magnificent obsession.
May your story written by God himself, long before you came to be, come to life. Become that most-loved book, rich in usefulness and productivity and love and abundance.
Tomorrow: Some thoughts on the author.
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