17 December 2013

I Met the Remarkable Christ at Our Pastor's House Last Night

As we all overlooked Pastor Appreciation Month (October), we thought we'd launch a season of encouragement in early November.

Thus, a secret facebook request to The Grove Church members and attenders:
We don't need money to buy the Helpmans a gift. We need words...words to encourage them in this tough road of pastoring. Please let them know what they mean to you.
Within minutes:
I know Jodi would love a dining room table.
I--of little faith--think, Goodness, didn't I just say we aren't asking for money?

Within the day, we had an offer to make a giant gathering table, money to buy supplies, and a promised babysitting night on which to sneak it in.

Our pastor is relentlessly compassionate. He has taught us that love, above all, is what counts when drawing people to the good news of Christ. His wife gives endlessly as well, in spite of now expecting their fourth child; only two were on the planet when they began to lead at our church.

Love came back to serve them last night. The facebook request grew into a favorite mural (painted by a church member) hung above the table, a Keurig coffee maker complete with Kcups, a redo of parts of the house that our pastor's wife had lamented she hadn't had time for, Christmas plates and napkins for 12 for their now amazing table, a completely decorated gingerbread house for the kids as well as other treats, a ladies-of-the-church style housecleaning, and a men-of-the-church style garbage hauling and picture-hanging.

I watched speechless at the unfolding of the love of Christ, understanding God's incredible fashioning of this night, complete with the endeavor kept secret and exposing to us every detail we needed to make it so memorable. I have never seen so many gifts activated to serve up love in a very short amount of time.

Fourth little baby: You are entering a house that has been rebirthed with the love that your mommy and daddy have faithfully taught us.

Thank you, God, for what you taught us last night. May we keep the momentum of love going. Happy birthday, Jesus.

Comments are welcome at feedyourstrength@gmail.com.

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