16 December 2013

Schedule: A Life-Giving Template

On a schedule:
Day and night.
The moon's cycle.
The run of the seasons.
Seed to fruit-bearing plant.
Newborn progressing through to old age.
Life to death.
A secure and well-run household or business. 
Daily prayers of thanks.
Participation in church. 
The prophecy of the Messiah, made hundreds of years in advance, and his showing up right on time. 
Without schedule:
The black hole of oppression and depression.
Intermittent rage and the rehash of grudges.
Uncontrollable eating and drinking.
The gathering of clutter without regular restoration of order.
Heaps of laundry, clean or dirty, with no remedy of completion.
A chaotic, poorly-run household or business. 
Crisis prayers. 
Random church attendance.
It appears that God is a God of schedule. Very possibly he wired us for it.

To ignore schedule, with its discipline and order, seems a salute to Satan.

Finding schedule where there is none may very well be a life-giving endeavor.

I believe it is a crucial part of feeding your strength.

Comments are welcome at feedyourstrength@gmail.com.

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