21 December 2013

Setting Up Shop in Unlikely Places

If  you have five minutes (and twenty-two seconds), click on the link to watch this rendition of Hallelujah, originally by Leonard Cohen:
Cloverton Presents a Hallelujah Christmas 
Though we're moved, we might ask why all that talent and instrumentation was "wasted" in a sparsely occupied venue. Wouldn't it make more sense to announce, attract, convene, perform?

The same sentiment came through in Matthew 26:6-9:
When Jesus was at Bethany, a guest of Simon the Leper, a woman came up to him as he was eating dinner and anointed him with a bottle of very expensive perfume. When the disciples saw what was happening, they were furious. "That's criminal! This could have been sold for a lot and the money handed out to the poor."
Even the most devout followers of Jesus sometimes miss the Message:
Jesus will always show up in the most unlikely places--a leper's house, a nondescript meetinghouse, anywhere a heart decides to extravagantly proclaim, with every breath and every talent, the love and saving mercy he suffered to give.
Hallelujah, indeed.

Image: video by Cloverton.

Comments are welcome at feedyourstrength@gmail.com.

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