I pray often for shopping blessings; why not ask the One that can scour the earth to help me find what I am looking for? A wall space had developed in our living area that could accommodate more seating, and since I've often given God free reign to do with as He pleases in making our house welcoming to guests, it seemed a bench was the quest. I'd asked weeks ago and let it go. On this day, I awakened with an urge to visit my favorite "oldies but goodies" antique barn.
I'm used to waiting. I decided years ago that since it is mentioned so often in the bible, it must be high on God's agenda (2 Peter 1):
So don't lose a minute in building on what you've been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love...There is no greater delight than doing the hard work of waiting and then--just like that--God brings the reward. Except in this case, little did I know that I would wait some more--a lot more.
Within an hour of stepping into the barn, I walked into a booth with several benches. I didn't hesitate. I went straight to one in particular, measuring though confident of its fit into our space, silently thanking God for leading me to it. Yes, I knew there were hurdles:
It didn't look exactly like what my husband would love...
It wasn't priced anywhere near what my husband would love...What are a couple of mountains to move with God in charge? So I prayed the first prayer that came to mind:
God, I'll know this is the one for us when I see a bird in a building.A bird in a building? I do pray for signs on occasion but that one surprised even me. Not to worry, I thought. This barn had giant doorways at opposite ends always open during shopping hours. A bird flying through was not uncommon. I walked some more, waiting expectantly for the sighting that would give me the confidence to put together the money and bring my husband to survey and help me purchase my find.
No bird that day, or the next, or the next. Weeks would go by with the empty wall space taunting my confidence, and I surely began to wonder where I would see, of all things, a bird inside a building.
Was God really in this quest? Passionate and patient were having their moments of doubt.
Tomorrow: Patient restraint, a bird and salvation.
Comments are welcome at feedyourstrength@gmail.com.